
領 域 Research Field講  座 Department分子・機能Molecule and Function器官・形態Organ and Morphology病因・病態Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology社会・健康Society and Health統合医科学 寄附講座Contribution戦略型寄附講座  地域医療学講座  地域小児・周産期学講座  救急航空医療学講座 提案型寄附講座 Proposal ContributionDepartment of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology and PharmacologyDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular GeneticsDepartment of Molecular and Cellular PhysiologyDepartment of Molecular Medicine for PathogenesisDepartment of Hematology, Clinical Immunology and Infectious DiseasesDepartment of PediatricsDepartment of Diabetes and Molecular GeneticsDepartment of NeuropsychiatryDepartment of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic and Breast SurgeryDepartment of Dermatology Department of Clinical OncologyDepartment of Cell-Free Science Department of Anatomy and Embryology Department of Functional HistologyDepartment of Circulatory PhysiologyDepartment of PharmacologyDepartment of PathophysiologyDepartment of Cardiology, Pulmonology, Hypertension and NephrologyDepartment of Cardiovascular and Thoracic SurgeryDepartment of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck SurgeryDepartment of Bone and Joint SurgeryDepartment of UrologyDepartment of RadiologyDepartment of Ophthalmology Department of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryDepartment of Laboratory Animal ResearchDepartment of Molecular ParasitologyDepartment of ImmunologyDepartment of Infections and Host DefensesDepartment of Molecular PathologyDepartment of Analytical PathologyDepartment of Gastroenterology and MetabologyDepartment of Neurology and Clinical PharmacologyDepartment of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Surgical OncologyDepartment of Obstetrics and GynecologyDepartment of NeurosurgeryDepartment of Anesthesia and Perioperative MedicineDepartment of Emergency and Critical Care MedicineDepartment of Analytical Bio-MedicineDepartment of Malaria ResearchDepartment of Molecular ToxicologyDepartment of Epidemiology and Preventive MedicineDepartment of Legal MedicineDepartment of Medical InformaticsDepartment of Medical EducationDepartment of Geriatric Medicine and NeurologyDepartment of Clinical PharmacyDepartment of Clinical Practice and EducationDepartment of Environmental Chemistry and EcotoxicologyDepartment of Basic Medical Research and EducationStrategic ContributionDepartment of Community MedicineDepartment of Regional Pediatrics and PerinatologyDepartment of Aeromedical Services for Emergency and Trauma Care 視機能再生学(南松山病院) 講座  (眼科学 Department of Ophthalmology) Department of Ophthalmology and Regenerative Medicine 地域生活習慣病・内分泌学講座  (消化器・内分泌・代謝内科学 )Department of Lifestyle-related Medicine and EndocrinologyDepartment of Gastroenterology and MetabologyDepartment of Advanced NeurosurgeryDepartment of Neurosurgery (脳神経外科学 ) 脳神経先端医学講座 Joint ReconstructionDepartment of Bone and Joint Surgery (整形外科学 ) 関節機能再建学講座  地域眼科学講座  (眼科学 )Department of Regional OphthalmologyDepartment of OphthalmologyDepartment of Inammatory Bowel Diseases and TherapeuticsDepartment of Gastroenterology and Metabology 地域消化器免疫医療学講座  (消化器・内分泌・代謝内科学 )Community PediatricsDepartment of Pediatrics 地域小児保健医療学講座  (小児科学 )大学院医学系研究科Graduate School of Medicine愛  媛  大  学Ehime University地域健康システム看護学講座Community Health Systems Nursing 基盤・実践看護学講座Fundamental and Clinical Nursing修士課程Master Course 看護学専攻Program for Nursing and Health Sciences博士課程Doctor Course医学専攻Program for Medical Sciences…協力講座を示す分子心血管生物・薬理学 生化学・分子遺伝学 分子細胞生理学 分子病態医学 血液・免疫・感染症内科学 小児科学 糖尿病内科学 精神神経科学 肝胆膵・乳腺外科学 皮膚科学 臨床腫瘍学 無細胞生命科学 解剖学・発生学 機能組織学 循環生理学 薬理学 病態生理学 循環器・呼吸器・腎高血圧内科学 心臓血管・呼吸器外科学 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学 整形外科学 泌尿器科学 放射線医学 眼科学 口腔顎顔面外科学 ADRES 動物実験部門 分子寄生虫学 免疫学 感染防御学 分子病理学 解析病理学 消化器・内分泌・代謝内科学 薬物療法・神経内科学 消化管・腫瘍外科学 産科婦人科学 脳神経外科学 麻酔・周術期学 救急医学 ADRES 病態機能解析部門 プロテオ・マラリア学 分子毒性学 疫学・予防医学 法医学 医療情報学 医学教育学 老年・神経・総合診療内科学 医療薬学 医療教育学 化学汚染解析学  地域医療再生学講座 Department of Regeneration of Community Medicine 地域救急医療学講座 Department of Community and Emergency Medicine(括弧内は,責任講座を示す)Department of Anti-aging MedicineDepartment of Geriatric Medicine and Neurology (老年・神経・総合診療内科学 ) 抗加齢医学(新田ゼラチン)講座 Structure4機構図09

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