

  • Prediction of the service life of surgical instruments from the surgical instrument management system log using redio frequency identification

    著者:Yoshikawa T,Kimura E,Akama E,Nakao H,Yorozuya T,Ishihara K

    雑誌/書籍:BMC Health Services Research(2019)19:695

  • Aggravating effects of treadmill exercises during the early-onset period in a rat traumatic brain injury model: When should rehabilitation exercises be initiated?

    著者:Satoru Taguchi, Mohammed E Choudhury, Kazuya Miyanishi , Yuiko Nakanishi, Kenji Kameda, Naoki Abe, Hajime Yano, Toshihiro Yorozuya, Junya Tanaka

    雑誌/書籍:IBRO Rep. 2019 Oct 22;7:82-89

  • 遠位型ミオパチー合併症例の緊急手術の麻酔経験 ーロクロニウムによる迅速導入の考察ー

    著者:谷島 由佳理,中西 和雄,西原 佑,高崎 康史,萬家 俊博


  • Adverse events associated with continuous interscalene block administered using the catheter-over-needle method:a retrospective analysis

    著者:Tanijima M,Takechi K,Nakanishi K,Yorozuya T

    雑誌/書籍:BMC Anesthesiology(2019)19:195

  • Hemolytic reaction in the washed salvaged blood of a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

    著者:Kawamoto Y, Nishihara T, Watanabe A, Nakanishi K, Hamada T, Konishi A, Abe N, Kitamura S, Ikemune K, Toda Y, Yorozuya T

    雑誌/書籍:BMC Anesthesiology(2019), 19, 83

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning–induced delayed encephalopathy accompanies decreased microglial cell numbers: Distinctive pathophysiological features from hypoxemia–induced brain damage

    著者:Sekiya K, Nishihara T, Abe N, Konishi A, Nandate H, Hamada T, Ikemune K, Takasaki Y, Tanaka J, Asano M, Yorozuya T

    雑誌/書籍:Brain Resaerch (2019) ELSEVIER, 1710, 22-32

  • Development of a postoperative occlusive thrombus at the site of an implanted inferior vena cava filter

    著者:Kukida A, Takasaki Y, Nakata M, Nishihara T, Kitamura S, Fujii S, Watanabe Y, Yorozuya T

    雑誌/書籍:Medicine (2018), 97, 3, 9675

  • Truncated CD200 stimulates tumor immunity leading to fewer lung metastases in a novel Wistar rat metastasis model

    著者:Kuwabara J, Umakoshi A, Abe N, Sumida Y, Ohsumi S, Usa E, Taguchi K, Mohammed E.Choudhury, Yano H, Matsumoto S, Kunieda T, Takahashi H, Yorozuya T, Watanabe Y, Tanaka J

    雑誌/書籍:Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2018), 496, 2, 542-548

  • フローサイトメトリーによる脳組織のマイクログリアや浸潤白血球の解析方法

    著者:阿部 尚紀, 田中 潤也

    雑誌/書籍:日本病態生理学会雑誌 (2018), 27, 1, 22-27

  • Lower limb perfusion during robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy evaluated by near-infrared spectroscopy: an observational prospective study

    著者:Takechi K, Kitamura S, Shimizu I, Yorozuya T

    雑誌/書籍:BMC Anesthesiology (2018)