愛媛大学医学部 脳神経外科学


2015年 原著・著書・症例報告


Oct-3/4 promotes tumor angiogenesis through VEGF production in glioblastoma.

Takahashi H, Inoue A, Kawabe Y, Hosokawa Y, Iwata S, Sugimoto K, Yano H, Yamashita D, Harada H, Kohno S, Ohue S, Ohnishi T, Tanaka J
Brain Tumor Pathol. 32(1):31-40, 2015

Surgical results of tumor resction using tractography-integrated navigation-guided fence-post catheter techniques and motor-evoked potentials for preservation of motor function in patients with glioblastomas near the pyramidal tracts.

Ohue S, Kohno S, Inoue A, Yamashita D, Matsumoto S, Suehiro S, Kumon Y, Kikuchi K, Ohnishi T
Neurosurg Rev. 38(2):293-307, 2015

Utility of 3-dimensional ultrasound imaging to evaluate carotid artery stenosis: comparison with magnetic resonance angiography.

Igase K, Kumon Y, Matsubara I, Arai M, Goishi J, Watanabe H, Ohnishi T, Sadamoto K
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 24(1):148-153, 2015

miR340 acts as a tumor suppressor in tumorigenesis of human glioma-initiating cells by targeting plasminogen activator, tissue.

Yamashita D, Kondo T, Ohue S, Takahashi H, Ishikawa M, Matoba R, Suehiro S, Kohno S, Harada H, Tanaka J, Ohnishi T
Cancer Research. 75(6):1123-1133, 2015

Usefulness of the fusion imaging of 3D-CT and MRA for carotid artery stenting with minimum use of contrast medium in patient with renal dysfunction.

Inoue A, Tagawa M, Kumon Y, Watanabe H, Ohue S, Ohtsuka Y, Nakamura Y, Ohnishi T
Interv Neuroradiol. 21(2):277-281, 2015

CD200(+) and CD200(-) macrophages accumulated in ischemic lesions of rat brain: The two populations cannot be classified as either M1 or M2 macrophages.

Matsumoto S, Tanaka J, Yano H, Takahashi H, Sugimoto K, Ohue S, Inoue A, Aono H, Kusakawa A, Watanabe H, Kumon Y, Ohnishi T
J Neuroimmunol. 282:7-20, 2015

Oct-3/4 modulates the drug-resistant phenotype of glioblastoma cells through expression of ATP binding cassette transporter G2.

Hosokawa Y, Takahashi H, Inoue A, Kawabe Y, Funahashi Y, Kameda K, Sugimoto K, Yano H, Harada H, Kohno S, Ohue S, Ohnishi T, Tanaka J
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1850(6):1197-1205, 2015

Utility of three-dimensional computed tomography for anatomical assistance in endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery.

Inoue A, Ohnishi T, Kohno S, Harada H, Nishikawa M, Ozaki S, Matsumoto S, Ohue S
Neurosurg Rev. 38(3):559-65, 2015

Ceacam1L modulates STAT3 signaling to control the proliferation of glioblastoma-initiating cells.

Kaneko S, Nakatani Y, Takezaki T, Hide T, Yamashita D, Ohtsu N, Ohnishi T, Terasaka S, Houkin K, Kondo T
Cancer Research. 75(19):4224-4234, 2015

Usefulness of an Image Fusion Model Using Three-Dimensional CT and MRI with Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Endoscopy as a Multimodal Assistant System in Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery.

Inoue A, Ohnishi T, Kohno S, Nishida N, Nakamura Y, Ohtsuka Y, Matsumoto S, Ohue S
Int J Endocrinol. 2015, Epub 2015 Aug 3.

Doctor’s Diversity (医師の多様性) 自分で頑張る、リハビリする、その気になって踊っていただく。その舞台を私たちがチーム医療で支えていく。

KOKUTAI 2・3 月刊 医師国試対策 p.3-5, 2015


致知(chichi) 致知出版社3月号 p44-48, 2015

半側空間無視(失認)に関するエリア 日本一カンタンな脳の地図

ブレインナーシング 第31巻 4月号 p.66-69

監修 特集「脳卒中リハビリの今 」

日本医事新報 No.4763 2015 8月第2週号 p.17-36


日本医事新報 No.4763 2015 8月第2週号 p.17-23


脳卒中データバンク2015 中山書店: p48-49, 2015

入退院と在宅支援 回復期リハビリテーション病棟における在宅復帰支援と地域連携の実際

地域連携(日総研出版)9/10月号 p.28-33, 2015

特集 第2回慢性期リハビリテーション学会 シンポジウム5「生活の中の歩行支援」

日本慢性期医療協会機関誌 「JMC」第99号 p27-31, 2015


Ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistula with unusual drainage route treated by transarterial embolization.

Inoue A, Tagawa M, Kumon Y, Watanabe H, Shoda D, Sugiu K, Ohnishi T
J Neurointerv Surg, vol.7 April 2015, p1-p3

Two cases of pineal-region meningiomas derived from arachnoid membrane over the vein of Galen without dural attachment.

Inoue A, Ohnishi T, Kohno S, Ohtsuka Y, Nakamura Y, Mizuno Y, Kitazawa R, Ohue S
World J Surg Oncol. 25;13(1):226, 2015

A novel MYH9 mutation in a patient with MYH9 disorders and platelet size-specific effect of romiplostim on macrothrombocytopenia.

Yamanouchi J, Hato T, Kunishima S, Niiya T, Nakamura H, Yasukawa M
Ann Hematol 94: 1599-1600, 2015


脳神経外科 43 (1):57-62, 2015


脳神経外科 43 (8):713-719, 2015

破裂巨大紡錘状前大脳動脈瘤に対しA3-A3 bypass併用下にproximal clippingを行った1例

脳神経外科 43(5):435-443, 2015


退院後の生活を支える治療・リハと支援 CNS today プライマリケアで診るCNS疾患 脳卒中維持期

Medical Tribune本紙 2月19日号 2015

最適なリハビリで寝たきり防ぐ 外出したくなる街づくりもポイント

酒向 正春
日本経済新聞 本紙 10月31日 p. 38


宇摩医師会報 144:12, 2015


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