愛媛大学小児科 ~小児医療を通じて未来を守る~

愛媛大学小児科 業績2014 


1. Nagai K, Nakano N, Iwai T, Iwai A, Tauchi H, Ohshima K, Ishii E (2014) Pediatric subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma with favorable result by immunosuppressive therapy: A repot of two cases. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 31: 528-533

2. Iio C, Inoue K, Tashiro R, Higaki T, Higaki J. (2014) Secundum atrial septal defect resulting in hypoxaemia. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imag 15:103.

3. Suzuki Y, Nishikawa Y, Horiuchi D, Senba K, Fujii T, Higaki T, Takasaki Y (2014) A rare case of double aortic arch suspected by preoperative chest X-ray in a healthy woman. Br J Anaesthesia 112: 1117-1118

愛媛大学小児科 業績2014 


1.Tokuda K, Eguchi-Ishimae M, Yagi C, Kawabe M, Moritani K, Niiya T, Tauchi H, Ishii E, Eguchi M (2014) CLTC-ALK Fusion as a Primary Event in Congenital Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 53: 78-89

2.Kogawa K, Sato H, Asano T, Ohga S, Kudo K, Morimoto A, Ohta S, Wakiguchi H, Kanegane H, Oda M, Ishii E (2014) Prognostic factors of Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in children: Report of the Japan Histiocytosis Study Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 61: 1257-62

3.Matsubara K, Takahashi Y, Hayakawa A, Tanaka F, Nakadate H, Sakai M, Maeda N, Oka T, Ishii E, Bessho F, Morimoto T, Goto H, Hashii Y, Hatakeyama N, Shirahata A, Imaizumi M (2014) Long-term follow-up of children with refractory immune thrombocytopenia treated with rituximab. Int J Hematol 99: 429-436

4.Ochi F, Fujiwara H, Tanimoto K, Asai H, Miyazaki Y, Okamoto S, Mineno J, Kuzushima K, Shiku H, Barrett J, Ishii E, Yasukawa M (2014) Gene-Modified Human α/β-T Cells Expressing a Chimeric CD16-CD3ζ Receptor as Adoptively Transferable Effector Cells for Anticancer Monoclonal Antibody Therapy. Cancer Immunol Res. 2: 249-262

5.Honda S, Arakawa S, Nishida Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishii E, Shimizu S (2014) Ulk1-mediated Atg5-independent macroautophagy mediates elimination of mitochondria from embryonic reticulocytes. Nat Commun 5: 4004

6.Kato M, Yoshida N, Inagaki J, Maeba H, Kudo K, Cho Y, Kurosawa H, Okimoto Y, Tauchi H, Yabe H, Sawada A, Kato K, Atsuta Y, Watanabe K(2014)Salvage allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with pediatric myelodysplastic syndrome and myeloproliferative neoplasms.Pediatr Blood Cancer. 61:1860-6.

7.Mitani Y, Ohta K, Ichida F, Nii M, Arakaki Y, Ushinohama H, Takahashi T, Ohashi H, Yodoya N, Fujii E, Ishikura K, Tateno S, Sato S, Suzuki T, Higaki T, Iwamoto M, Yoshinaga M, Nagashima M, Sumitomo N (2014) Circumstances and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in elementary and middle school students in the era of public-access defibrillation: Implications for emergency preparedness in schools. Circ J 78: 701-707

8.Ozono S, Ishida Y, Honda M, Okamura J, Asami K, Maeda N, Sakamoto N, Inada H, Iwai T, Kamibeppu K, Kakee N, Horibe K (2014)General health status and late effects among adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 44: 932-940

9.Ishida Y, Hayashi M, Inoue F, Ozawa M (2014) Recent employment trend of childhood cancer survivors in Japan: a cross-sectional survey. Int J Clin Oncol. 19: 973-81

10.Ishida Y, Maeda M, Urayama KY, Kiyotani C, Aoki Y, Kato Y, Goto S, Sakaguchi S., Sugita K., Tokuyama M., Nakadate N., Ishii E., Tsuchida M., Ohara A. & The QOL committee of TCCSG. (2014). Secondary cancers among children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated by the Tokyo Children’s Cancer Study Group protocols: a retrospective cohort study. Br J Haematol 164: 101-112

11.Ishida Y, Nagaoki Y, Nakagawa M. Hirata M, Shimabukuro R, Kusakawa I, Hosoya R, Fukui T (2014) Factors influencing timing of neonatal discharge in Japan: Retrospective study. Ped Int 56: 382-388

12.Kato Y, Maeda M, Aoki Y, Ishii E, Ishida Y, Kiyotani C, Goto S, Sakaguchi S, Sugita K, Tokuyama M, Nakadate H, Kikuchi A, Tsuchida M, Ohara A (2014) Pain management during bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in pediatric cancer patients. Ped Int. 56: 354-359

13.Hasegawa, D., Chen, X., Hirabayashi, S., Ishida, Y., Watanabe, S., Zaike, Y., Tsuchida, M., Masunaga, A., Yoshimi, A., Hama, A., Kojima, S., Ito, M., Nakahata, T. & Manabe, A. 2014. Clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in 65 cases with refractory cytopenia of childhood defined according to the WHO 2008 classification. Br J Haematol 166, 758-766.

14.Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Murayama S, Kumabe T, Sugiyama K, Mukasa A, Saito N, Sawamura Y, Terasaki M, Shibui S, Takahashi J, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K (2014) Impact of late effects on health-related quality of life in survivors of pediatric brain tumors: motility disturbance of limb(s), seizure, ocular/visual impairment, endocrine abnormality, and higher brain dysfunction. Cancer Nurs.37: E1-E14

15.Takei Y, Ozawa M, Ishida Y, Suzuki S.-I, Ohno S, Manabe A (2014) Clinicians’ perspectives on support for children with a parent who is diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast Cancer 21, 463-471.

■愛媛大学小児科 論文2013年度


1. 徳田桐子河上早苗江口真理子石前峰斉本田美里田内久道、石井榮一 (2013) 同種造血幹細胞移植後にドナー細胞由来の骨髄異形成症候群/急性骨髄性白血病を発症した小児白血病の検討、日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 50: 43-49

2. 深野玲司、住江愛子、松崎彰信、稲田浩子、永利義久、石井榮一、中山秀樹、川上清、盛武浩、柳井文男、糸長伸能、末延聡一、菊池昌弘、岡村純、河野嘉文 (2013) 小児非ホジキンリンパ腫の治療成績―九州・山口小児がん研究グループ KYCCSG NHL-89, 96―、臨床血液 53: 1898-1905

3. 新家敏之、岡本康二、浅田知世、玉置南、西宮達也、石前峰斉江口真理子田内久道石井榮一、大澤春彦 (2013) AML1-ETO および FLT3-ITD を有する複雑な染色体異常 AML の一症例、日本検査血液学会雑誌、14: 193-199

4. 玉置南, 新家敏之, 岡本康二, 浅田知世, 西宮達也, 徳田桐子, 田内久道, 石井榮一, 大澤 春彦(2013) 移植後ドナー由来細胞からAMLを発症したMLL-AF4 ALLの一症例、愛媛県臨床検査技師会誌 32:95-100

5. 森本麻里, 宮本仁志, 村上忍, 福岡史奈, 西宮達也, 末盛浩一郎, 田内 久道, 大澤 春彦(2013)電撃性紫斑病を呈したSalmonella Enteritidis敗血症の1例、愛媛県臨床検査技師会 32: 81-85

6. 吉永正夫、泉田直己、岩本真理、牛ノ濱大也、住友直方、田内宣生、高橋良明、富田英、長嶋正實、堀米仁志、山内邦明、阿部勝巳、新垣義夫、上野倫彦、太田邦雄、佐藤誠一、高木純一、立野滋、檜垣高史、市田蕗子、白石裕比湖、杉薫、堀江稔、(日本小児循環器学会学校心臓検診委員会) (2013)器質的心疾患を認めない不整脈の学校生活管理指導ガイドライン(2013年改定版)日本小児循環器学会誌29: 277-290

7. 森 美妃、松原 圭一、内倉 友香、高木 香津子、橋本 尚、鍋田 基生、小泉 幸司、松原 裕子、藤岡 徹、濱田 雄行、檜垣 高史、那波 明宏 (2013)当院における急速遂娩術に関する検討、愛媛医学 32(3):188-191,2013

8. 渡部竜助鈴木由香日野香織宮脇零士青野ゆきえ、本田和男、石井榮一 (2013) 地域救急医療における小児急性虫垂炎スクリーニングに対する Alvarado スコアの有用性の検討、愛媛医学 32: 24-28

9. 中野直子、森雅亮、横田俊平 (2013) 小児期難治性原発性血管炎の全国調査.日本臨床 71 (supp 1): 516-520

10. 藤岡智仁矢野喜昭小泉宗光竹本幸司石井榮一 (2013) 重症新生児・乳児RSウイルス感染症に対するバブルCPAPシステムの有効性の検討、日本小児科学会雑誌、117: 1424-1427

11. 竹本幸司、杉原茂孝、川村智行、浦上達彦、菊池信行、緒方勤、雨宮伸、小児インスリン治療研究会遺伝素因プロジェクトメンバー (2013) 小児1型糖尿病(1A型)の同胞発症率と同胞における遺伝素因の解析 特集 小児内分泌学の進歩2012 ホルモンと臨床59: 15-19

12. 村上至孝、本荘哲、岡田賢司、新垣洋平、網本裕子、増本夏子、田場直彦、村上洋子、本村知華子、永利義久、小田嶋博(2013)発熱が持続しステロイド投与を必要としたマイコプラズマ肺炎における危険因子、日本小児科学会雑誌117: 747-752

13. 小泉宗光楠目和代 (2013) アトピー性皮膚炎の医師による病勢評価の違いと血液検査での数値的な指標、日本小児アレルギー学会雑誌 (印刷中)

14. 石田也寸志、有瀧健太郎、浅見恵子他 (2013) 小児がん経験者のための長期フォローアップ手帳に関するアンケート調査. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌50: 220-226

15. 石田也寸志、樋口明子、山崎由美子他 (2013) がん患者向け情報提供ツールに対する小児がん関係者によるアンケート調査、日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌50: 92-99

16. 石田也寸志、浅見恵子 (2013) 小児がん経験者に対する社会的偏見の実態調査、日本小児科学会雑誌(印刷中)
17. 石田也寸志、林三枝、井上富美子、小澤美和 (2013) 小児がん経験者の自立・就労に関する横断的実態調査、日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 (印刷中)

18. 楠目和代、久寿正人、小谷信行、髙岡知彦、高橋龍太郎、中野威史、林正俊、福岡圭介 (2013) 愛媛県における食物経口負荷試験実施状況アンケート調査2011 H25年秋 愛媛県小児科医会報

19. 小林信や、平松公三郎、西本幸弘、會田千重、石田修一、井上美智子、大坂陽子、佐藤智彦、滝沢昇、舟川格、松田俊二、山本重則、横井広道、宮野前健、中川義信(重症心身障害臨床研修検討ワーキンググループ)(2013)重症心身障害医療における医師臨床研修および医学部学生実習の実態―アンケート調査からー、医療(国立医療学会誌)67:404-410

■愛媛大学小児科 論文2013年度


1. Nagai K, Ochi F, Terui K, Maeda M, Ohga S, Kanegane H, Kitoh T, Kogawa K, Suzuki N, Ohta S, Ishida Y, Okamura T, Wakiguchi H, Yasukawa M, Ishii E (2013) Clinical characteristics and outcomes of Chédiak-Higashi syndrome: a nationwide survey of Japan. Pediatr Blood Cancer 10: 1582-1586

2. Moritani T, Iwai M, Kanno H, Nakaoka H, Iwanami J, Higaki T, Ishii E, Horiuchi M (2013) ACE2 deficiency induced perivascular fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy during postnatal development in mice. J Am Soc Hypertens. 7: 259-266

3. Tomita H, Haneda N, Higaki T, Kataoka K (2013) Successful introduction of interventional catheterization and other pediatric cardiology services in a developing country. Cardiol Young 23: 405-408 (IF: 0.95)

4. Sueda S, Hiroaki K, Sasaki Y, Sakaue T, Habara H, Higaki T (2013) Acetylcholine test is less sensitive to provoke coronary artery spasm in young rest angina patients: Limitations of single pharmacological spasm provocation tests. J Jpn Coron Assoc (in press)

5. Mitani Y, Ohta K, Ichida F, Nii M, Arakaki Y, Ushinohama H, Takahashi T, Ohashi H, Yodoya N, Fujii E, Ishikura K, Tateno S, Sato S, Suzuki T, Higaki T, Iwamoto M, Yoshinaga M, Nagashima M, Sumitomo N (2013) Circumstances and Outcomes of Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Elementary and Middle School Students in the Era of Public-Access Defibrillation: Implications for Emergency Preparedness in Schools. Circulation J (in press)

6. Hirata S, Takayama N, Jono-Ohnishi R, Endo H, Nakamura S, Dohda T, Nishi M, Hamazaki Y, Ishii E, Kaneko S, Otsu M, Nakauchi H, Kunishima S, Eto K (2013) CAMT-iPS cells exhibiting defective MPL signaling dysregulate megakaryopoiesis and erythropoiesis. J Clin Invest 123: 3802-3814

7. Sawada A, Ohga S, Ishii E, Inoue M, Okada K, Inagaki J, Goto H, Suzuki N, Koike K, Atsuta Y, Suzuki R, Yabe H, Kawa K, Kato K, Yasutomo K (2013) Feasibility of reduced-intensity conditioning followed by unrelated cord blood transplantation for primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: a nationwide retrospective analysis in Japan. Int J Hematol 98: 223-230

8. Tokuda K, Eguchi-Ishimae M, Yagi C, Kawabe M, Moritani K, Niiya T, Tauchi H, Ishii E, Eguchi M (2013) CLTC-ALK fusion as a primary event in congenital blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm. Gene Chromosome Cancer 53: 78-89

9. Kogawa K, Sato H, Asano T, Ohga S, Kudo K, Morimoto A, Ohta S, Wakiguchi H, Kanegane H, Oda M, Ishii E (2013) Prognostic factors of Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in children: Report of the Japan Histiocytosis Study Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer (in press)

10. Kato M, Matsumoto K, Suzuki R, Yabe H, Inoue M, Kigasawa H, Inagaki J, Koh K, Hashii Y, Tauchi H, Suminoe A, Kikuta A, Sakamaki H, Kawa K, Kato K, Fukuda T. (2013) Salvage allogeneic hematopoietic SCT for primary graft failure in children. Bone Marrow Transplant. 48:1173-8

11. Moritani M, Yokota I, Tsubouchi K, Takaya R, Takemoto K, Minamitani K, Urakami T, Kwamura T, Kikuchi N, Itakura M, Ogata T, Sugihara S, Ameniya S; Japanese Study Group of Insulin Therapy for Childhood and Adolescnt (JSGIT) (2013) Identification of INS and KCNJ11 gene mutations in type 1B diabetes in Japanese children woth onset of diabetes before 5 years of age. Pediatr Diabetes. 14: 112-20

12. Fukuda M, Hino H, Suzuki Y, Takahashi H, Morimoto T, Ishii E (2013) Postnatal interleukin-1β enhances adulthood seizure susceptibility and neuronal cell death after prolonged experimental febrile seizures in infantile rats. Acta Neurol Belg (in press).

13. Suzuki Y, Kobayashi M, Kuwabara K, Kawabe M, Kikuchi C, Fukuda M (2013) Skin temperature responses to cold stress in patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. Brain Dev 35: 265-269

14. Ishida Y, Manabe A, Oizumi A, Otani N, Hirata M, Urayama K, Saida Y, Kusakawa I, Fukui T (2013) Association between Parental Preference and Head Computed Tomography in Children with Minor Blunt Head Trauma. JAMA Pediatrics E1-2

15. Schmiegelow K, Levinsen MF, Attarbaschi A, Baruchel A, Devida Ms, Escherich G, Gibson B, Heydrich C, Horibe K, Ishida Y, Michel G, Pieters R, Piette C, Pui C-H, Raimondi S, Silverman L, Stanulla M, Stark B, Winick N, Valsecchi MG (2013) Second Neoplasms after Treatment of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Clin Oncol (in press)

16. Sato I, Higuchi A, Mukasa A, Ida K, Sawamura Y, Sugiyama K, Saito N, Kumabe T, Terasaki M, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K (2013) Cancer-specific health-related quality of life in children with brain tumors. Quality of Life Research(in press)

17. Urayama KY, Chokkalingam AP, Metayer C, Hansen H, May S, Ramsay P, Wiemels JL, Wiencke JK, Trachtenberg E, Thompson P, Ishida Y, Brennan P, Jolly KW, Termuhlen AM, Taylor M, Barcellos LF, Buffler PA (2013) SNP Association Mapping across the Extended Major Histocompatibility Complex and Risk of B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children. PLoS ONE 8: e72557

18. Ishida Y, Maeda M, Urayama KY, Kiyotani C, Aoki Y, Kato Y, Goto S, Sakaguchi S, Sugita K, Tokuyama M, Nakadate N, Ishii E, Tsuchida M, Ohara A (2013) Secondary cancers among children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated by the Tokyo Children’s Cancer Study Group protocols: a retrospective cohort study. Br J Haematol (In press)

19. Ishida Y, Hayashi M, Inoue F, and Ozawa M (2013) Recent employment trend of Childhood Cancer Survivors in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Int J Clin Oncol (In Press)

20. Ishida Y, Nagaoki Y, Nakagawa M, Hirata M, Shimabukuro R, Kusakawa I, Hosoya R, Fukui T (2013) Factors influencing timing of neonatal discharge in Japan: A retrospective study. Pediatr Int (in press)

21. Matsuda S, Nakamura M, Hirano E, Kiyota N, Omura T, Suzuki Y, Noda M, Kimura H (2013) Characteristics of Human Metapneumovirus Infection Prevailing in Hospital Wards Housing Patients with Severe Disabilities Jpn J Infec dis 66: 195-200

■愛媛大学小児科 論文2012年度


1. Nagai K, Ochi T, Fujiwara H, An J, Shirakata T, Mineno J, Kuzushima K, Shiku H, Melenhorst JJ, Gostick E, Price DA, Ishii E, Yasukawa M (2012) Aurora kinase A-specific T-cell receptor gene transfer redirects T-lymphocytes to display effective anti-leukemia reactivity. Blood 119: 368-376

2.Matsuda K, Nakazawa Y, Yanagisawa R, Honda T, Ishii E, Koike K (2011) Detection of T-cell receptor gene rearrangement in children with pstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis using the IOMED-2 multiplex polymerase chain reaction combined with GeneScan analysis. Clin Chim Acta 412: 1554-1558

3.Murata Y, Yasumi T, Shirakawa R, Izawa K, Sakai H, Abe J, Tanaka N, Kawai T, Oshima K, Saito M, Nishikomori R, Ohara O, Ishii E, Nakahata T, Horiuchi H, Heike T (2011) Rapid diagnosis of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type 3 (FHL3) by flow cytometric detection of intraplatelet Munc13-4 protein. Blood 118: 1225-123

4. Shiba N, Park M-J, Taki T, Takita J, Hiwatari M,Kanazawa T, Sotomatsu M, Ishii E, Arakawa H, Ogawa S, Hayashi Y (2012) CBL Mutations in Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Br J Haematol 156: 672-674

5. Asano T, Kogawa K, Morimoto A, Ishida Y, Suzuki N, Ohga S, Kudo K, Ohta S, Wakiguchi H, Tabuchi K, Kato S, Ishii E (2011) Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children: a nationwide survey in Japan. Ped Blood Cancer 59: 110-114

6. Yang X, Kanegane H, Nishida N, Imamura T, Hamamoto K, Miyashita R, Imai K, Nonoyama S, Sanayama K, Yamaide A, Kato F, Nagai K, Ishii E, van Zelm MC, Latour S, Zhao X-D, Miyawaki T (2012) Clinical and genetic characteristics of XIAP deficiency in Japan. J Clin Immunol 32: 411-420

7. Kanegane H,Yang X,Zhao M, Yamato K, Inoue M, Hamamoto K, Kobayashi C, Hosono A, Ito Y, Nakazawa Y, Terui K, Kogawa K, Ishii E, Sumazaki R, Miyawaki T (2012) Clinical features and outcome of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome type 1 (SAP deficiency) in Japan identified by a combined use of a flow cytometric assay and genetic analysis. Pediatr Aller Immunol 23: 488-493

8. Nishi M, Nishimura R, Suzuki N, Sawada A, Okamura T, Fujita N, Kanai R, Yano J, Adachi S, Yasumi T, Sato E, Yasutomo K, Ishii E, Ohga S (2012) Reduced intensity conditioning in unrelated donor cord blood transplantation for familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Am J Hematol 87: 637-639

9. Nishi M, Eguchi-Ishimae M, Wu Z, Ming W, Iwabuki H, Kawakami S, Tauchi H, Inukai T, Sugita K, Hamasaki Y, Ishii E, Eguchi M (2012) Suppression of the let-7b microRNA pathway by DNA hypermethylation in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia with MLL gene rearrangements. Leukemia (in press)

10. Fukano R, Suminoe A, Matsuzaki A, Inada H, Nagatoshi Y, Ishii E, Nakayama H, Kawakami K, Moritake H, Yanai F, Itonaga N, Suenobu S, Kikuchi M, Okamura J, Kawano Y (2012) Treatment outcome of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in childhood: KYCCSG NHL-89, 96. Rinsho Ketsueki 53: 1898-1905

11. Tomita H, Haneda N, Higaki T, Kataoka K (2012) Successful introduction of interventional catheterization and other pediatric cardiology services in a developing country. Cardiol Young 2012 (in press)

12. Hino H, Takahashi H, Suzuki Y, Tanaka J, Ishii E, Fukuda M (2012) Anticonvulsive effect of Paeoniflorin on experimental febrile seizures in immature rats: possible application for febrile seizures in children. PLoS ONE 7: e42920, 2012

13. Fukuda M, Suzuki Y, Hino H, Ishii E (2012) Over-activation of adenosine A2A receptors and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 23: 387-388.

14. Suzuki Y, Kobayashi M, Kuwabara K, Kawabe M, Kikuchi C, Fukuda M. (2012) Skin temperature responses to cold stress in patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. Brain Dev (in press)

15. Nagatani K, Yamaoka R, Tezuka Y, Hayashi M (2012) Involvement of CD5+CD19+Cell in SDNS treated with B-cell targeting therapy.Ped Inter(in press)

16. Saji T; Matsuura H; Hasegawa K; Nishikawa T; Yamamoto E; Ohki H; Yasukochi S; Arakaki Y; Joo K; Nakazaw M (2012) Comparison of the Clinical Presentation, Treatment,and Outcome of Fulminant and Acute Myocarditis in Children; Circulation Journal; 76: 1222 – 1228

17. Ishida Y, Hatao M, Fukushima O, Mori M, Isozaki F, Okuyama A (2012) Comparison between cancer specialists and general physicians regarding the education of nurse practitioners in Japan: a postal survey of the Japanese Society of Clinical Oncology. Int J Clin Oncol (in press)

18. Ishida Y, Takahashi M, Maru M, Mori M, Henderson TO, Daugherty CK, Manabe, A (2012) Physician preferences and knowledge regarding the care of childhood cancer survivors in Japan: a mailed survey of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Oncology. Jap J Clin Oncol 42: 513-521

19. Asami K, Ishida Y, Sakamoto N (2012) Job discrimination against childhood cancer survivors in Japan: A cross-sectional survey. Pediatrics Int 54: 663-668,

20. Ishida Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Deshpande GA, Shimbo T, Hinohara S, Fukui, T (2012) Factors affecting health care utilization for children in Japan. Pediatrics 129: e113-119

21. Deshpande GA, Soejima K, Ishida Y, Takahashi O, Jacobs JL, Heist BS, Obara H, Nishigori H, Fukui T (2012) A global template for reforming residency without work-hours restrictions: decrease caseloads, increase education. Findings of the Japan Resident Workload Study Group. Med Teach. 34: 232-239

22. Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Mukasa A, Ida K, Sawamura Y, Sugiyama K, Saito, N, Kumabe T, Terasaki M, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K (2012) Factors influencing self- and parent-reporting health related quality of life in children with brain tumors. Quality of Life Research 34: 232-239.

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26. Hasegawa D, Manabe A, Ohara A, Kikuchi A, Koh K, Kiyokawa N, Fukushima T., Ishida Y, Saito T, Hanada, R, Tsuchida M. (2012) The utility of performing the initial lumbar puncture on day 8 in remission induction therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: TCCSG L99-15 study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 58: 23-30

27. Asano T, Kogawa K, Morimoto A, Ishida Y, Suzuki N, Ohga S, Kudo K, Ohta S, Wakiguchi H, Tabuchi K, Kato S, Ishii, E (2012) Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children: a nationwide survey in Japan. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 59: 110-114

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2. Wakamoto H, Takahashi Y, Ebihara T, Okamoto K, Hayashi M, Ichiyama T, Ishii E (2012) An immunologic case study of acute encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures. Brain Dev (in press)

3. Fukuda M, Suzuki Y, Hino H, Ishii E (2012) Over-activation of adenosine A(2A) receptors and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 23: 387-388

4. Nagai K, Murakami Y, Nagatani K, Nakahashi N, Hayashi M, Higaki T, Ishii E (2012) Life-threatening acute renal failure due to imperforate hymen in an infant. Ped Inter 54: 280-282

5. Horiuchi A, Kameoka K, Kuwabara J, Watanabe Y, Kawakami S, Tauchi H, Ishii E.(2012)Neonatal iliopsoas abscess.Pediatr Int.54:712-714



1. 徳田桐子河上早苗江口真理子石前峰斉本田美里田内久道、石井榮一 (2012) 同種造血幹細胞移植後にドナー細胞由来の骨髄異形成症候群/急性骨髄性白血病を発症した小児白血病の検討.日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌(印刷中)

2. 吉永正夫、泉田直己、住友直方、高橋良明、富田英、長嶋正實、山内邦明、新垣義夫、岩本真理、上野倫彦、牛ノ濱大也、太田邦雄、佐藤誠一、田内宣生、高木純一、立野滋、檜垣高史、堀米仁志、市田蕗子、白石裕比湖(日本小児循環器学会学校心臓検診委員会) (2012) 先天性心疾患の学校生活管理指導指針ガイドライン(2012年改定版) 日本小児循環器学会誌28: 2-5

3. 中澤誠、石和田稔彦、市田蕗子、城尾邦隆、立野滋、寺井勝、福島裕之、藤原卓、丹羽公一郎、松尾浩三、村上智明、森善樹、吉永正夫、宗内淳、越後茂之、檜垣高史、鈴木浩、久保田一見、小川俊一、朝田芳信、川副浩平(日本小児循環器学会研究委員会)(2012) 小児心疾患と成人先天性心疾患における感染性心内膜炎の管理、治療と予防ガイドライン. 日本小児循環器学会誌28: 6-39

4. 岡本健太郎、斎藤 加代子、佐藤 孝俊、石垣 景子、舟塚 真、大澤 真木子(2012)脊髄性筋萎縮症0型の1例.脳と発達 44: 387-391

5. 小泉宗光楠目和代 (2012) ブデソニド吸入用懸濁液と喉頭気管分離術が喘息発作のコントロールに奏効した重症心身障害児(者)の1例.日本小児呼吸器学会誌 23: 29-34

6. 越智史博楠目和代小泉宗光矢野喜昭石井榮一 (2012) 経母乳的抗原摂取によりアナフィラキシーショックに陥った4ヵ月例.日本小児科学会誌116: 1223-1227

7. 石田也寸志、渡辺静、小澤美和、米川聡子、小川千登世、長谷川大輔, 、細谷要介、吉原宏樹、真部淳、森本克、西村昴三、細谷亮 (2012):小児がん経験者の晩期合併症の予測は可能かー聖路加国際病院小児科の経験ー.日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌49: 31-39,

8. 石田也寸志本田美里、坂本なほ子、大園秀一、上別府圭子、岩井艶子、掛江直子、岡村純、浅見恵子、稲田浩子、前田尚子、堀部敬三 (2012) 小児がん経験者の横断的調査研究における自由記載欄の解析.日本小児科学会雑誌116: 526-536

9. 石田也寸志、有瀧健太郎、浅見恵子、大園秀一、前田美穂、山口(中上)悦子、堀部敬三、加藤俊一、藤本純一郎、黒田達夫 (2012) 小児がん経験者のための長期フォローアップ手帳に関するアンケート調査.日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 (印刷中)

10. 石田也寸志、樋口明子、山崎由美子、浦久保安輝子、伊藤照生、平野真紀、渡邊清高 (2012) がん患者向け情報提供ツールに対する小児がん関係者によるアンケート調査.日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 (印刷中)