2013年業績 その1
総説, 他
■ 学会・研究会発表
■ 講演
■ 研究助成
■ 受賞
■ 論文・著書
● 原著論文
- Niida A, Niida R, Kuniyoshi K, Motomura M, Uechi A. Usefulness of visual evaluation of the anterior thalamic radiation by diffusion tensor tractography for differentiating between Alzheimer’s disease and elderly major depressive disorder patients. Int J Gen Med. 2013 Apr 4;6:189-200.
- Kurata A, Dharampal A, Dedic A, de Feyter PJ, Krestin GP, Dijkshoorn ML, Nieman K. Impact of iterative reconstruction on CT coronary calcium quantification. Eur Radiol. 2013 Dec;23(12):3246-52.
- Kurata A, Kawaguchi N, Kido T, Inoue K, Suzuki J, Ogimoto A, Funada J, Higaki J, Miyagawa M, Vembar M, Mochizuki T. Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Adenosine nriphosphate Stress Wholeheart Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion Imaging using 256-slice Computed Tomography. PLOS ONE (in press)
- Hyodo T, Murakami T, Imai Y, Okada M, Hori M, Kagawa Y, Kogita S, Kumano S, Kudo M, Mochizuki T. Hypovascular nodules in patients with chronic liver disease: risk factors for development of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiology. 2013;266(2):480-90.
- Kido TO, Nagao M, Kido TE, Kurata A, Miyagawa M, Ogimoto A, Mochizuki T. Stress/Rest Circumferential Strain in Non-Ischemia, Ischemia, and Infarction: Quantification by 3 Tesla Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Circ J. 2013;77(5): 1235-1241.
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Sugawara Y, Ochi T, Kiyoto S, Ohsumi S, Mochizuki T. Volume-based parameters of (18)f-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography improve disease recurrence prediction in postmastectomy breast cancer patients with 1 to 3 positive axillary lymph nodes. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013 Nov 15;87(4):738-46.
- Nakajima N, Sugawara Y, Kataoka M, Hamamoto Y, Ochi T, Sakai S, Takahashi T, Kajihara M, Teramoto N, Yamashita M, Mochizuki T. Differentiation of tumor recurrence from radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for lung cancer: characterization of 18F-FDG PET/CT findings. Ann Nucl Med. 2013 Apr;27(3):261-70.
- Kadoya T, Aogi K, Kiyoto S, Masumoto N, Sugawara Y, Okada M. Role of maximum standardized uptake value in fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography predicts malignancy grade and prognosis of operable breast cancer: a multi-institute study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 141:269-75, 2013
- Takahashi Y, Miyagawa M, Nishiyama Y, Ishimura H, Mochizuki T. Performance of a semiconductor SPECT system: comparison with a conventional Anger-type SPECT instrument. Ann Nucl Med. 2013 Jan; 27(1): 11-16.
- Miyazaki Y, Nawa Y, Miyagawa M,et al. Maximum standard uptake value of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is a prognostic factor for progression-free survival of newly diagnosed patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Ann Hematol. 2013 ;92(2):239-244.
- 福山直紀,吉岡真二,神崎博充,平田雅昭,浦島雄介,村田繁利.まれな画像所見を呈した膵SPNの1例自験例5症例のレビュー 臨床放射線 vol.58 No.2 2013.
- 吉岡真二,小岩原元,仙波芳樹,浦島雄介,村田繁利.IPMB由来浸潤癌3症例の検討 臨床放射線 vol.58 No.6 2013.
- 三木 均. Benefit of Stellar Detector:頭部. Innervision 332号付録,10-11,2013
- 石田良雄、汲田伸一郎、吉永恵一郎、宮川正男、他. 心サルコイドーシスのPET診断のガイドライン (日本心臓核医学会): Recommendation for F-18 FDG PET imaging for cardiac sarcoidosis. 心臓核医学 2013; 15(3): 35-47.
- 宮川正男, 望月輝一. 心臓病における核医学検査の進歩 –撮像技術の進歩—. 呼吸と循環 2013; 61(11): 995-1000.
- 宮川正男, 石村隼人, 高橋康幸, 西山香子, 横山らみ, 川口直人, 松田卓也, 中村壮志, 望月輝一. 心臓検査におけるPETとSPECTの位置づけと被ばく低減法. INNERVISION 28 (5):72-75, 2013.
- 宮川正男. デリバリーPETの基礎と臨床 臨床編 「PETによる心サルコイドーシスの診断」p112-116. 日本メジフィジックス社 (2013年4月 発行)
- 仁井田りち.仁井田明.松田博史.うつ病の亜型とMRI、臨床精神医学第42巻第8号 999-1007、2013
- 兵頭朋子(分担執筆). 日本医学放射線学会 / 日本放射線科専門医会・医会編. 画像診断ガイドライン 2013年版 (第1版): 肝臓. 金原出版
- 兵頭朋子(分担執筆). 日本肝臓学会編. 科学的根拠に基づく肝癌診療ガイドライン 2013年版: 第2章 診断およびサ-ベイランス. 金原出版
- 城戸輝仁.「必見!3D画像はここがポイント:心大血管領域」 臨床画像 29(12): 1400-1407, 2013
- 城戸輝仁.教育DVD「冠動脈CTを始めよう」バイエル薬品株式会社
- 細川浩平,浅木彰則,高畑浩之,寺本典弘,菅原敬文,井口東郎.【GEPNETの最前線】 診断 消化管・膵神経内分泌腫瘍の臨床診断 PET.肝胆膵66(5):777-86, 2013
- 松田卓也, 城戸輝仁, 望月輝一. シェーマで納得!基礎から学べる胸部画像診断に役立つサイン -CTサインを中心に- 「心臓 -冠動脈プラーク性状の評価から知っておきたい正常像まで-」. 臨床画像 29(6): 56-65, 2013
- 井手香奈,杉田敦郎,久野美子.画像診断と病理 多中心性Castleman病.画像診断33(9):964-965, 2013
- 平塚義康、菊池恵一、望月輝一、西川典子、宮崎龍彦.画像診断と病理 血管内悪性リンパ腫.画像診断Vol.33 No.10, 1106-1107, 2013
- 武智恵, 津田孝治, 望月輝一 他.画像診断と病理 上行結腸神経鞘腫. 画像診断 2013 October; 33(12): 1232-1233.
- 松田卓也、城戸輝仁、望月輝一、他. 画像診断と病理 乳頭状線維弾性腫. 画像診断 33(13): 1364-1365, 2013
- 細川浩平,清水輝彦,菅原敬文,大田耕司,棚田 稔,西村理恵子,寺本典弘.画像診断と病理 細胆管細胞癌.画像診断33(14):1502-3, 2013
- 川口直人、城戸輝仁、望月輝一. 冠動脈CT. 臨床放射線 Vol. 58 No.7:933-944, 2013
- 田邊裕貴, 城戸輝仁, 望月輝一. 心臓CTにおけるPerfusion CT臨床応用の可能性と展望. Multislice CT 2013 BOOK
- 高橋康幸、西山香子、石村隼人、望月輝一. 心臓核医学技術:短時間収集. 心臓核医学 2013; 15(3): 32-34.
- 池水 暁彦、織川 陽介、川条 文隆、猪木 道真、伊田 勝典、東野 博、阿部 充伯. ルーチン冠動脈CTは冠動脈造影と一致しているか?. 映像情報Medical 2013 Vol.45 No.11888-892.
- 川条 文隆、織川 陽介、池水 暁彦、猪木 道真、伊田 勝典、倉田 聖、東野 博、阿部充伯. ランジオロール塩酸塩による心拍数のばらつきの検討. 新薬と臨牀 J. New Rem. & Clin. Vol.62 No.7 2013.
- 田中宏明.遺伝性出血性末梢血管拡張症(HHT)に合併した肺動静脈奇形に対するInterlockを用いたコイル塞栓術の有用性.Interlock Case Report Vol.2,2013
- 田邊裕貴, 高畑浩之, 末広弘, 山下素弘, 清水輝彦, 高橋忠章, 酒井伸也, 菅原敬文. リンパ性間質を伴う小結節性胸腺腫の1例. 臨床放射線 vol58(1) 234-238 2013
- 田邊裕貴, 菅原敬文, 高畑浩之, 清水輝彦, 高橋忠章, 酒井伸也, 大田耕司, 棚田稔. 膵癌と鑑別が困難であった膵リンパ上皮囊胞の1例. 臨床放射線 vol58(2) 317-321 2013
- Tanabe Y, Sugawara Y, Nishimura R, Hosokawa K, Kajihara M, Shimizu T,Takahashi T, Sakai S, Sawada S, Yamashita M, Ohtani H. Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung with intense F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in positronemission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT). Ann Nucl Med. 2013; 27(8):781-5.
- Ogawa R, Miyagawa M, Ide K, Akamune A, Ohtsuki Y, Mochizuki T. Exacerbation and remission of pulmonary micronodules with lymphangioleiomyomatosis around the time of childbirth. Jpn J Radiol. 2013 Sep;31(9):633-6.
- 村上千佳, 永井啓行, 飯尾千春子, 藤井昭, 西村和久, 井上勝次, 鈴木純, 宮川正男, 望月輝一, 他. 心室中隔中部に憩室様の菲薄化をきたした心サルコイドーシスの1例. 心臓2013;45(8):1007-1012.
- Hyodo T, Okada M, Kudo M, Ishii K, Mochizuki T, Murakami T. Phantom study of liver fat quantification in dual-energy CT: comparison to single-energy CT and MR spectroscopy. The 25th European Congress of Radiology (2013. 3, Vienna)
- Hiratsuka Y, Kikuchi K, Yokoyama R, Miki H, Mochizuki T. Assessment of Crossed-Cerebellar Diaschisis for Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Cerebral Perfusion MRI using Arterial Spin Labeling. European Congress of Radiology 2013 (2013. 2, Vienna)
- Matsuda Taku, Kido Te, Itoh T, Shigemi S, Saeki H, Watanabe K, Matsuda Take, Yamamoto M, Mochizuki T. The possibility of the late iodine enhancement evaluation using denoise filter. European Congress of Radiology 2013 (2013. 2, Vienna)
- Kurata A. Clinical Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease Based on Cardiac CT. The 1st Meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Korean International Regional Committee. (2013.2, Soul)
- Oda S, Kikudhi K, et al. Cerebral hemodynamics evaluation by ACZ challenge DSC-MRI with VOF rescaling scheme. ISMRM 21st annual meeting (2013.4 Salt lake city)
- Hiratsuka Y, Kikuchi K, Yokoyama R, Miki H, Mochizuki T. Assessment of Crossed-Cerebellar Diaschisis for Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Cerebral Perfusion MRI using Arterial Spin Labeling. The American Society of Neuroradiology 51st Annual Meeting (2013. 5, San Diego)
- Sogabe I, Hiraoka A, Kawasaki H, Shiraishi A, Matsuura B, Michitaka K. Evaluation of preoperative transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for single small hepatocellular carcinoma. Digestive Disease Week 2013 (2013.5.Orland,United States)
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Nishikawa A, Sugawara Y, Sakai S, Ohsumi S, Kiyoto S, Mochizuki T. Volume-based parameters on FDG-PET/CT as early predictors of disease recurrence in postmastectomy breast cancer patients with one to three positive axillary lymph nodes without adjuvant radiotherapy. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 49th annual meeting (2013.5, Chicago)
- Kadoya T, Aogi K, Kiyoto S, Kanno E, Akimoto E, Emi A, Shigematsu H, Masumoto N, Sugawara Y, Okada M. Prognostic significance of the maximal value of the baseline standardized uptake value of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography for predicting pathologic malignancy of operable breast cancer. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (2013. 5, Chicago)
- Miyagawa M, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Matsuda T, Yokoyama R, Teraoka S, Mochizuki T. Estimation of myocardial fow reserve using a Cadmium-Zinc Telluride (CZT) SPECT in patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease. SNMMI 2013 Annual Meeting (2013.6,Vancouver, Canada )
- Hyodo T, Kudo M, Lamb P, Mendonça PRS, Okada M, Yada N, Maenishi O, Ishii K, Murakami M. Quantitative assessment of liver fat with dual energy CT: comparison with MR spectroscopy. In: Heinz U. Lemke P, CARS Organizer editor. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 27th International Congress and Exhibition (2013.6, Heidelberg)
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Sugawara Y, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Volume-based parameters of 18F-FDG PET/CT predict early disease recurrence and survival in locally advanced breast cancer treated with postmastectomy radiotherapy. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2013 annual meeting (2013.6, Vancouver)
- Kurata A, Nieman K, de Feyter PJ, Krestin GP, Dharampal A, Abe M, Higashino H, Kido T, Sakamoto, T, Mochizuki T, Coronary CTA based 3D myocardial segmentation using Voronoi’s method. The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Kido To, Nakamura M, Tanabe Y, Yokoyama R, Matsuda T, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido Te, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Assessment of Left Ventricular Function with 256-slice Multi-Detector Computed Tomography: Comparison with 3 Tesla Cine Magnetic Resonance. The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Kawaguchi N, Kurata A, Fukuyama N, Tanabe Y, Yokoyama R, Matsuda T, Nakamura M, Nisiyama Y , Kido To , Kido Te, Miyagawa M , Mochizuki T et al. Single Axial Cardiac CT with Two-phase Injection of Contrast Medium for Children with Congenital Heart Disease. The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Matsuda T, Kido Te, Itoh T, Shigemi S, Saeki H, Watanabe K, Yokoyama R, Nakamura M, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido To, Kurata A, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. The possibility of the late iodine enhancement evaluation using denoise filter. The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Nakamura M, Kido T, Matsuda T,Yokoyama R, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido T, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Comparison of plaque characteristics between 256-MSCT based on the diluted test injection protocol and IB-IVUS . The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Yokoyama R, Miyagawa M, Tanabe Y, Matsuda T, Nakamura M, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido TO, Kido TE, Kurata A, *Ogimoto A, *Higaki J, Mochizuki T.Detection of Cardiac Involvement in Sarcoidosis: Assessment by Image Fusion with Delayed-Enhanced MRI and F-18 FDG PET/CT.The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Tanabe Y, Kido T, Matsuda T, Kawaguchi N, Yokoyama R, Nakamura M, Nishiyama Y, Kido T, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion Assessment Using 256-slice Multi-Detector Computed Tomography with Adenosine Triphosphate Stress: Report of Initial Experience. The 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (2013. 7, Montreal)
- Miki H, Kikuchi K, Hiratsuka Y, Inatsuki C, Kikuchi K, Mochizuki T, Okamoto K. MR angiography in acute thalamic infarction. 25nd Annual International Conference on MR Angiography (2013.8, New York)
- Kido To, Nakamura M, Tanabe Y, Yokoyama R, Matsuda T, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido Te, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Three-Dimensional Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Sequence for the Evaluation of Left Ventricular Myocardial Scar: Comparison to Three-Dimensional Inversion Recovery Sequence. The 7th Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (2013. 8, Beijing)
- Tanabe Y, Kido T, Matsuda T, Kawaguchi N, Yokoyama R, Nakamura M, Nishiyama Y, Kido T, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion Assessment Using 256-slice Multi-Detector Computed Tomography with Adenosine Triphosphate Stress: Report of Initial Experience. The 7th Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (2013. 8, Beijing)
- Tanaka H, Hirata M, Tsuda T, Mochizuki T.Successful percutaneous transhepatic embolization for bleeding stomal varices.Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe 2013(2013.9,Barcelona)
- Hyodo T, Okada M, Kudo M, Tsurusaki M, Mochizuki T, Ishii K, Murakami M. Applications of the Fast kVp Switching Dual Energy CT for Hepatopancreato-biliary Imaging. The RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (2013. 12, Chicago)
- Kido To, Nakamura M, Tanabe Y, Yokoyama R, Matsuda T, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido Te, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Three-Dimensional Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Sequence for the Evaluation of Left Ventricular Myocardial Scar: Comparison to Three-Dimensional Inversion Recovery Sequence. The RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (2013. 12, Chicago)
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Ochi T, Sugawara Y, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Volume-based parameters of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography improve disease recurrence prediction in postmastectomy breast cancer patients with 1 to 3 positive axillary lymph nodes without adjuvant radiotherapy. RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. (2013.12, Chicago)
- Kawaguchi N, Kido Te, Tanabe Y, Yokoyama R, Matsuda T, Nakamura M, Nishiyama Y, Kido To, Kurata A, Miyagawa M , Mochizuki T. Combined Assessment of Coronary CT Angiography and Adenosine Triphosphate Stress Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion CT using 256-slice Multi-detector CT in the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease. RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. (2013.12, Chicago)
- Kawaguchi N, Kido Te, Tanabe Y, Yokoyama R, Matsuda T, Nakamura M, Nishiyama Y, Kido To, Miyagawa M , Mochizuki T. Diluted Contrast Material Injection Protocol for Coronary CT Angiography Using 256-slice Multi-detector CT to Uniform Intra-Coronary Enhancement. RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. (2013.12, Chicago)
- Nakamura M, Kido T, Matsuda T,Yokoyama R, Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido T, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Comparison of plaque characteristics between 256-MSCT based on the diluted test injection protocol and IB-IVUS . RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. (2013.12, Chicago)
- T Tsuda, H Tanaka, M Takechi, G Koiwahara, T Mochizuki. Frequency of growing splenic artery aneurysms detected by multidetector row CT angiography in patients with chronic liver diseases. RSNA Annual Meeting 2013 (2013. 12, Chicago)
————国内学会、講演、研究助成、受賞は2013年業績 その2をご覧ください。