2012年業績 その1
総説, 他
■ 学会・研究会発表
■ 講演
■ 研究助成
■ 受賞
■ 論文・著書
● 原著論文
- 兵頭朋子, 岡田真広, 今井康陽, 望月輝一, 工藤正俊, 村上卓道. 近畿大学におけるEOB-MRIの肝細胞相で検出される乏血性結節の自然経過-多血化の危険因子 肝胆膵画像 14(4):365-8,2012
- Niida A, Niida R, Matsuda H, Inada T, Motomura M, Uechi A. Identification of atrophy of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, in particular the subcallosal area, as an effective auxiliary means of diagnosis for major depressive disorder. Int J Gen Med. 2012;5:667-74.
- Inata H, Semba T, Itoh Y, Kuribayashi Y, Murayama S, Nishizaki O, Araki F. Development of a phantom to evaluate the positioning accuracy of patient immobilization systems using thermoplastic mask and polyurethane cradle. Med Phys. 2012 Jul;39(7):4219-27.
- Hamamoto Y, Kataoka M, Yamashita M, Nogami N, Sugawara Y, Kozuki T, Sawada S, Suehisa H, Shinohara S, Nakajima N, Shinkai T. Factors affecting the local control of stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung tumors including primary lung cancer and metastatic lung tumors. Jpn J Radiol. 2012 Jun;30(5):430-4
- Hamamoto Y, Kataoka M, Yamashita M, Nogami N, Sugawara Y, Kozuki T, Sawada S, Suehisa H, Shinohara S, Nakajima N, Shinkai T. Lung-cancer related chest events detected by periodical follow-up CT after stereotactic body radiotherapy for stage I primary lung cancer: retrospective analysis of incidence of lung-cancer related chest events and outcomes of salvage treatment. Jpn J Radiol. 2012 Oct;30(8):671-5.
- 菅原敬文、青野祥司、井上 武、酒井伸也、高橋忠章、清水輝彦、梶原 誠、細川浩平、田邊裕貴.原発巣と転移巣でのFDG集積の乖離について.臨床放射線57(12):1703-10, 2012
- 梶原 誠、菅原敬文、細川浩平、清水輝彦、高橋忠章、酒井伸也、野崎功雄、羽藤慎二、栗田 啓、西村理恵子、寺本典弘、高畑浩之.AFP産生胃癌の画像所見.臨床放射線57(8):1045-49, 2012
- Takechi M, Tsuda T, Yoshioka S, Murata S, Tanaka H, Hirooka M, Mochizuki T. Risk of hypervascularization in small hypovascular hepatic nodules showing hypointense in the hepatobiliary phase of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI in patients with chronic liver disease. Jpn J Radiol. 2012 Nov; 30(9):743-51.
- Toita T, Kato S, Niibe Y, Ohno T, Kazumoto T, Kodaira T, Kataoka M, Shikama N, Kenjo M, Tokumaru S, Yamauchi C, Suzuki O, Sakurai H, Numasaki H, Teshima T, Oguchi M, Kagami Y, Nakano T, Hiraoka M, Mitsuhashi N. Prospective multi-institutional study of definitive radiotherapy with high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy in patients with nonbulky (<4-cm) stage I and II uterine cervical cancer (JAROG0401/JROSG04-2). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Jan 1;82(1):e49-56.
- Hamamoto Y, Ohsumi S, Aogi K, Takashima S, Shinohara S, Nakajima N, Kataoka M. Identification of candidates for postmastectomy radiotherapy in patients with pT3N0M0 breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 2012 Feb 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hamamoto Y, Ohsumi S, Aogi K, Shinohara S, Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Takashima S. Impact of aggregate of risk factors for isolated locoregional failure in breast cancer patients treated with mastectomy without radiotherapy. Breast Cancer. 2012 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hamamoto Y, Ohsumi S, Aogi K, Shinohara S, Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Takashima S. Are there high-risk subgroups for isolated locoregional failure in patients who had T1/2 breast cancer with one to three positive lymph nodes and received mastectomy without radiotherapy? Breast Cancer. 2012 May 9. [Epub ahead of print]
- Takahashi Y, Miyagawa M, Nishiyama Y, Ishimura H, Mochizuki T. Performance of a semiconductor SPECT system: comparison with a conventional Anger-type SPECT instrument. Ann Nucl Med. 2012 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- Miyazaki Y, Nawa Y, Miyagawa M, Kohashi S, Nakase K, Yasukawa M, Hara M. Maximum standard uptake value of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is a prognostic factor for progression-free survival of newly diagnosed patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Ann Hematol. 2012 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Minamimoto R, Senda M, Jinnouchi S, Terauchi T, Yoshida T, Murano T, Fukuda H, Iinuma T, Uno K, Nishizawa S, Tsukamoto E, Iwata H, Inoue T, Oguchi K, Nakashima R, Inoue T. The current status of an FDG-PET cancer screening program in Japan, based on a 4-year (2006-2009) nationwide survey. Ann Nucl Med. 2012 Oct 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- Asagi A, Ohta K, Nasu J, Tanada M, Nadano S, Nishimura R, Teramoto N, Yamamoto K, Inoue T, Iguchi H. Utility of Contrast-Enhanced FDG-PET/CT in the Clinical Management of Pancreatic Cancer: Impact on Diagnosis, Staging, Evaluation of Treatment Response, and Detection of Recurrence. Pancreas. 2012 Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- Kiyoto S, Sugawara Y, Inoue T, Takabatake D, Ohsumi S, Nishimura R. False-positive (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography caused by incidental injury in a bulky intracystic carcinoma of the breast. Jpn J Radiol. 2010 May;28(4):305-8.
- Inaba S, Okayama H, Kido T, Mochizuki T, Higaki J. Natural history of a coronary plaque followed by computed tomography. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Mar;13(3):242.
- Ohue S, Kohno S, Inoue A, Yamashita D, Harada H, Kumon Y, Kikuchi K, Miki H, Ohnishi T. Accuracy of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging-based tractography for surgery of gliomas near the pyramidal tract: a significant correlation between subcortical electrical stimulation and postoperative tractography. Neurosurgery. 2012 Feb;70(2):283-93; discussion 294.
- Hyodo T, Kumano S, Kushihata F, Okada M, Hirata M, Tsuda T, Takada Y, Mochizuki T, Murakami T. CT and MR cholangiography: advantages and pitfalls in perioperative evaluation of biliary tree. Br J Radiol. 2012 Jul;85(1015):887-96.
- 兵頭朋子, 村上卓道. X-ray イメージングのNext Innovation―Dual Energy CTの臨床. 日獨医報. 57(2), 2012 (in press)
- 二宮克彦, 吾妻佐奈江, 谷本正恒, 藤原栄二. Philips社MRI Ingenia 1.5Tの初期使用経験. Rad Fan vol.10 No.10 40-43 2012
- 東野 博. 心臓CTの最前線 心筋CT いま何故CTで心筋パフュージョンとバイアビリティなのか? 映像情報Medical 2012 Vol.44 No.10 834-840.
- 東野 博. 心臓核医学をアピールする解析や読影の最前線. 新医療 2012年3月号59-62.
- 東野 博. Reading Up Grade 第3回. Rad Fan Vol.10 No.2 2012 90-91.
- 井口東郎、浅木彰則、清水輝彦.膵疾患診断におけるFDG-PET/CTの役割.肝胆膵画像14(2):122-30, 2012
- 菅原敬文、井口東郎.胆嚢癌の診断においてPETは有用か?-造影CTを組み込んだPET/CT(造影PET/CT)の応用-.肝胆膵64(4):497-508, 2012
- 小岩原元,吉岡真二,仙波芳樹,浦島雄介,村田繁利.当院で手術をされ、組織学的に確診が得られた腎細胞癌 -連続48症例の画像所見の検討- Japanese Journal of Clinical Radiology Vol. 57 No.9 1184-1192 2012(臨床放射線;金原出版)
- 宮川正男. 保険適用拡大以降のPET/CTの動向. 日本医師会雑誌141 (2) : 316-317, 2012
- 宮川正男, 高橋康幸, 石村隼人, 西山香子, 川口直人, 城戸倫之, 松田卓也, 中村壮志, 城戸輝仁, 倉田聖, 望月輝一. 心臓用半導体SPECT装置の臨床的有用性. Rad Fan 10 (12):55-58, 2012
- 高橋康幸, 石村隼人, 西山香子, 宮川正男, 望月輝一. 心臓専用半導体装置Discovery NM 530cによるSPECT画像の特徴. GE today in technology 41(11):21-23, 2012
- 城戸倫之.MRI用細胞外液性造影剤の体内動態とそれに基づく造影剤の投与法 心臓、大血管、臨床画像11月号(2012.11.26)
- 城戸 輝仁.画像診断リフレッシャーコース「これから始める心臓CT読影—放射線科医にも必要な基礎知識—」.画像診断Vol32.(1),110-123,2012
- Hyodo T, Sugawara Y, Sakayama K, Kito K. Early-stage malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour arising from a solitary neurofibroma. Br J Radiol. 2012 Feb;85(1010):e26-30.
- 菅原敬文、中島直美、酒井伸也、灘野成人、大田耕司、棚田 稔、高畑浩之、寺本典弘.陳旧化したsolitary fibrous tumorと考えられた膵腫瘤の1例.臨床放射線57(5):711-5, 2012
- 酒井伸也、菅原敬文、梶原 誠、高橋忠章、白山裕子、日浦昌道、高畑浩之、寺本典弘.FDG-PET/CTにて描出された子宮体癌の卵巣線維腫への転移の1例.臨床放射線57(7), 2012
- 梶原 誠、菅原敬文、高橋忠章、酒井伸也、灘野成人、棚田 稔、大田耕司、西村理恵子、井上 武、青野祥司.経皮経肝門脈塞栓術後に穿刺経路に沿って播種再発したHCCの1例.Jpn J Intervent Radiol 27:309-12, 2012
- 宮﨑幸大, 名和由一郎, 小橋澄子, 中瀬浩一, 宮川正男, 原雅道.リツキシマブ併用化学療法後,長期にわたりFDG-PET偽陽性を示した濾胞性リンパ腫. 臨床血液553(2):252-4, 2012.
- Tsuda T, Takechi M, Tanaka H, Mochizuki T: CT findings of tumors and tumor-like conditions of small intestine. European Congress of Radiology 2012 (2012. 2, Vienna)
- Hiratsuka Y, Miki H, Kikuchi K, Mochizuki T. Usefulness of 3-Tesla 3D Volume Rendering Images for Pre-surgical planning of Brain Tumor; Depiction of Brain Surface and Venous structures. European Congress of Radiology 2012 (2012. 2, Vienna)
- Hiratsuka Y, Miki H, Kikuchi K, Mochizuki T. Evaluation for detectability of the paramedian artery using 3D TOF MRA on 3tesla MRI. European Congress of Radiology 2012 (2012. 2, Vienna)
- Hiratsuka Y, Miki H, Kikuchi K, Oda S, Mochizuki T. Evaluation for detectability of the artery of Percheron on 3T 3D TOF MRA. The American Society of Neuroradiology 50th Annual Meeting (2012. 4, New York)
- Oda S, Kikuchi K , Hiratsuka Y, Watanabe H, Mochizuki T, Kudo K. Evaluation of cerebral vascular reactivity with acetazolamide challenge DSC-MRI: Preliminary experience. The American Society of Neuroradiology 50th Annual Meeting (2012. 4, New York)
- Hyodo T, Okada M, Kagawa Y, Kumano S, Imaoka I, Hori M, Ishii K, Imai Y, mochizuki T, Kudo M, Murakami T. Hypovascular nodules presenting with hypointensity in the hepatobiliary phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI in cirrhotic patients: Risk factors for hypervascularization. American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting (2012.4-5, Vancouver)
- Miyagawa M, Kikuchi K, Miki H, Mochizuki TR. F-18 FDG PET/CT for detection and follow-up of cardiac sarcoidosis. 16th Workshop of the German-Japanese Radiological Affiliation 2012 (2012. 5, Muenster)
- Kikuchi K, Oda S, Miki H, Hiratsuka Y, Murase K, Mochizuki T. Contrast and optimal scan parameters of T1-weighted MR imaging at 3.0 T: evaluating with using computer simulation software. 16th Workshop of the German-Japanese Radiological Affiliation 2012 (2012. 5, Muenster)
- Hamamoto Y, Taguchi S, Nishikawa A, Uwatsu K, Mochizuki T, Honda H, Shigematsu K. Incidence of intra-rectal gas retention needs gas evacuation before IMRT for prostate cancer. European Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology annual meeting 31 (2012. 5, Barcelona)
- Kido TE, Saeki H, Shigemi S, Watanabe K, Matsuda T, Yamamoto M, Kido TO, Kurata A, Higashino H, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T, Itoh T. The Possibility of Late Iodine Enhancement Evaluation using Denoise Filter. The 6th Congress of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (2012.6. Bangkok)
- Kido TO, Nagao M, Okizuka Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido TE, Kurata A, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Detection of Coronary Artery Disease Using ATP-stress Cine-tagging MRI: Comparison to ATP-stress Perfusion MRI. The 6th Congress of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (2012.6. Bangkok)
- Okizuka Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido To, Kurata A, Kido Te, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T, et al. Combined Supine-Prone Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using an Ultrafast Gamma Camera with Semiconductor Detectors. The 6th Congress of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (2012.6, Bangkok)
- Masuda T, Kurata A, Higashino H, Abe M, Kido Te, Kido To, Kawaguchi N, Nishiyama N, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Detection of Membranous Septal Aneurysm by Multi-Detector Row Computed Tomography in Comparison with Echocardiography. The 6th Congress of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (2012.6, Bangkok)
- Miyagawa M, Kawaguchi N, Okizuka Y, Kido TO, Kido TE, Kurata A, Mochizuki T. Long Time Follow-up of Patients With Cardiac Sarcoidosis. Seminar of Nuclear Medicine 2012 (2012.6, Miami Beach)
- Kawaguchi N, Miyagawa M, Okizuka Y, Kido TE, Kurata A, Ishimura H, Takahashi Y, Mochizuki T. Feasibility of I-123 BMIPP and Tc-99m Tetrofosmin Dual Isotope SPECT with Dynamic Acquisition Using A Fast Gamma Camera with Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride (CZT) Detector. Seminar of Nuclear Medicine 2012 (2012.6, Miami Beach)
- Okizuka Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido TO, Kurata A, Kido TE, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T, et al. Combined Supine-Prone Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using an Ultrafast Gamma Camera with Semiconductor Detectors. The 2012 Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting (2012.6, Miami)
- Kido TE, Watanabe K, Shigemi S, Saeki H, Kawaguchi N, Nishiyama Y, Kido TO, Kurata A, Matsuda T, Yamamoto M, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T. Adenosine Triphosphate Stress Dual-Energy Perfusion Computed Tomography to Identify Myocardial Ischemia. The 7th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) (2012. 7, Baltimore)
- Nishiyama Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido TO, Kurata A, Kido TE, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T, et al. Cardiac Three-Dimensional SPECT/CT Fusion Imaging Using Ultrafast Gamma Camera with Semiconductor Detectors. The 5th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) (2012. 7, Baltimore)
- Hamamoto Y, Ochi T, Shinohara S, Taguchi S, Matsuno K, Honda H, Shigematsu K, Mochizuki T. Influence of dose calculation algorithm according to dose prescription methods in stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer. The 6th S. Takahashi Memorial Symposium,The 6th Japan-US Cancer Therapy International Joint Symposium (2012. 7, Hiroshima)
- Tanaka H, Hirata M, Tsuda T, Mochizuki T, Aono S. Successful endovascular treatment for rare arterioureteral fistula. Cardiovascular andInterventional Radiological Society of Europe 2012 (2012.9,Lisbon)
- Taguchi S, Matsuno K, Hamamoto Y, Ochi T, Shinohara S, Mochizuki T. The treatment outcome of squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal and middle ear: a single institution experience. ASTRO2012, American Society for Radiation Oncology 54th Annual Meeting (2012. 10, Boston)
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Nishikawa A, Sugawara Y, Takahashi T, Sakai S, Mochizuki T. Prognostic value of pre-treatment FDG-PET parameter for early stage non-small cell lung cancer treated with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. ASTRO2012, American Society for Radiation Oncology 54th Annual Meeting (2012. 10, Boston)
- Kido TE, Kurata A, Kido TO, Miyagawa M, Kawaguchi N, Mochizuki T, Nishiyama Y, Ogimoto A, Higaki J. Full Cardiac CT – Coronary CT Angiography, Perfusion CT, Delayed Enhancement – : How to DO. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago.11, 2012)
- Oda S, Kikuchi K, Hiratsuka Y, Miyagawa M, Miki H, Watanabe H, Kumon Y, Kudo K, Mochizuki T. Acetazolamide Challenge Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI to Assess Cerebral Hemodynamics: Comparison with SPECT. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Nishikawa A, Sugawara Y, Takahashi T, Sakai S, Mochizuki T. Prognostic Value of Pre-teatment Standardized Uptake Value (SUV) Parameters in Stage II-III Breast Cancer Treated with Postmastectomy Radiotherapy (PMRT). RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Nakajima N, Kataoka M, Nishikawa A, Sugawara Y, Takahashi T, Sakai S. Metabolic FDG-PET Parameter is an Independent Prognostic Factor for Early Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Kiyoto S, Sugawara Y, Hosokawa K, Nishimura R, Ohsumi S, Mochizuki T. FDG PET/CT can predict pathological complete response and clinical outcome after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Tanabe Y, Sugawara Y, Takahata H, Sakai S, Takahashi T, Shimizu T, Kajihara M, Hosokawa K. Role of integrated FDG-PET/CT with dynamic contrast-enhancement in evaluation of gallbladder tumors. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Takechi M, Tsuda T, Tanaka H,Yoshioka S, Murata S, Mochizuki T. The clinical course of hypovascular hepatic nodules which were iso- or hyperintensity on Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced hepatocyte phase images in patients with chronic liver disease. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Okizuka Y, Miyagawa M, Kawaguchi N, Nakamura M, Matsuda T, Kido TO, Kido TE, Kurata A, Ishimura H, Nishiyama H, Takahashi Y, Mochizuki T. Combined Supine-Prone Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using an Ultrafast Gamma Camera with Semiconductor Detectors. Seminar of Nuclear Medicine 2012(Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Miyagawa M, Matsuda T, Okizuka Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido TO, Kido TE, Kurata A, Mochizuki T. Characteristics of FDG accumulation on PET/CT in patients with cardiac amyloidosis. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Matsuda T, Miyagawa M, Okizuka Y, Kawaguchi N, Kido TO, Kido TE, Kurata A, Mochizuki T. Characteristics of cardiac F-18 FDG accumulation on PET/CT in patients with atrial fibrillation. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting(Chicago, Nov, 2012)
- Kawaguchi N, Kurata A, Kido TO, Kido TE, Miyagawa M, Mochizuki T, Matsuda T, Okizuka Y, Nakamura M. Prognostic Value of Residual Vessel Disease Evaluated by Stress Myocardial Perfusion Computed Tomography. RSNA 2012, 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, Nov, 2012)
————国内学会、講演、研究助成、受賞は2012年業績 その2をご覧ください。