愛媛大学医学部 眼科学教室Department of Ophthalmology,
Ehime University School of Medicine

ロゴマーク:愛媛大学医学部 眼科学教室

教室紹介 About



Effect of Botulinum Toxin A Treatment on Eyelid Pressure in Eyes with Blepharospasm.
Namiguchi K, Mizoue S, Ohta K, Shiraishi A.
Curr Eye Res. 2018 Jul; 43(7): 896-901.

Characteristics of Infectious Keratitis in Old and Very Old Patients.
Toriyama K, Suzuki T, Shiraishi A.
J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2018 Oct; 34(8): 565-569.

Assessment of Dry Eye Symptoms: Current Trends and Issues of Dry Eye Questionnaires in Japan.
Shiraishi A, Sakane Y.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Nov1; 59(14): DES23-DES28.

In Vivo Confocal Microscopic Observations of Vortex Keratopathy in Patients with Amiodarone-Induced Keratopathy and Fabry Disease.
Ikegawa Y, Shiraishi A, Hayashi Y, Ogimoto A, Ohashi Y.
J Ophthalmol. 2018 Mar21; 2018: 5315137.

Comparison of success rates in eye drop instillation between sitting position and supineposition.
Naito T, Yoshikawa K, Namiguchi K, Mizoue S, Shiraishi A, Ichikawa Y, Fujiwara M, Miki T, Araki R, Umeda Y, Morizane Y, Shiraga F.
PLoS One. 2018 Sep 20; 13(9): e0204363.

Relationship Between Eyelid Pressure and Ocular Surface Disorders in Patients With Healthy and Dry Eyes.
Yamaguchi M, Shiraishi A.
Invest Ophthalmol VisSci. 2018 Nov 1; 59(14): DES56-DES63.

“Progress in Corneal Research and Practice in Japan and Abroad”: The 23rd Annual
Meeting of the Kyoto Cornea Club, November 24 and 25, 2017.
Nishida K, Sotozono C, Yamagami S, Shiraishi A, Saika S, Fukushima A, Hori Y.
Cornea. 2018 Nov; 37 Suppl 1: S37-S38.

鄭 暁東, 五藤智子, 白石 敦
眼科手術 31(4): 617-622, 2018.

第71回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[2] 退行性眼瞼下垂術後のコントラスト感度変化
鄭 暁東, 五藤智子, 白石 敦, 村山友菜, 藤岡里奈
臨床眼科 72(4): 499-505, 2018.

鎌尾知行, 溝上志朗, 浪口孝治, 篠崎 友治, 田坂 嘉孝, 白石 敦
あたらしい眼科 35(2): 258-262, 2018.

臨床報告 眼瞼下垂術後における角膜形状,自覚および他覚視機能の変化
鄭 暁東, 五藤智子, 鎌尾知行, 白石 敦, 片上匡代, 中岡 弓
臨床眼科72(2): 245-251, 2018.