

2018年11月14日から18日まで,韓国ソウルでアジア太平洋消化器病学会週間(APDW 2018)が開催され,当教室の松浦先生が参加されました.



APDW 2018に参加して


2018年11月14日から18日まで,韓国ソウルでのアジア太平洋消化器病学会週間(APDW 2018)に参加してきました。今回は,韓国消化器病学会週間(KDDW)との共同開催です。APDWは3000名以上の参加者のある学会です。私は,「Intensive treatment for obesity at our hospital」を発表してきました。過去には,APDWが日本で開催されるときには何度か発表してきましたが,今回日本以外の開催地での発表は初めてでした。東京女子医大の橋本悦子先生と行きの飛行機が同じでしたので,金浦空港に着いたあと宿泊ホテルまでタクシーでご一緒させていただきました。ソウルは狭い土地に約1000万人が住んでいるため,もともと車の多い都市ですが,加えて到着日は,韓国では一生を左右する,かの有名な大学お受験の前日で,しかもラッシュ時だったので,ホテルまで1時間近くかかりましたが,タクシー代は安く,3000円少しでした。2015年にアジア肥満と消化器疾患研究グループ(GOASIA)が発足し,日本からは菅野健太郎先生,中島淳先生とともに私も当初からメンバーに加えていただいており,毎年APDW開催時にGOASIAのmeetingを持つことになっており,今回も11月17日の昼にdiscussionしてきました。

学会の空き時間には,今年で見納めかもしれないDemilitarized Zone (DMZ)へ行ってきました。第二次世界大戦後,米ソに分割統治されることとなった朝鮮半島。1950年に朝鮮戦争が勃発し,3年間にわたって混乱が続き,1953年,北緯38度に南北の境となる軍事境界線が引かれ,休戦協定が結ばれてからは,南北境界線は事実上の国境となりました。DMZは普段は落ち着きをみせています。しかしながら,現役の兵士が24時間監視をし,北朝鮮がソウルへ向けて掘っていた第3トンネルの中には重々しい空気が流れ,戦争がまだ終結してない事実を象徴するエリアです。また,ソウル市内の景福宮殿も見学し,異文化に触れてきました。


CATEGORY : お知らせ 

渡辺崇夫先生の論文がHepatology Researchにacceptされました。


論文のタイトルは「Predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence after direct-acting antiviral therapy in patients with hepatitis C virus infection」で、EKEN study group (愛媛肝炎ネットワーク)の先生方からデータをいただき、C型肝炎に対するDAA治療後の肝細胞癌の発症に寄与する因子について報告したものです。お忙しい中、いつも集計に御協力いただき、また御指導いただいている同門の先生方に厚く御礼申しあげます。今後もいただいた貴重なデータを無駄にしないようがんばりますので引き続き御指導のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。



CATEGORY : お知らせ 




今回採択された中でも、吉田先生の演題はLate-breaking abstract(最新のTOPICが採択される、採択率がとても厳しい)で採用されており、多くの参加された先生方からの注目を集めていました。本日この内容を見るために来たという方もいらっしゃいました。




CATEGORY : お知らせ 


ご報告が遅くなりましたが、Finland出身の留学生Ninaさんが2週間(10月2日〜12日)、第3内科で実習しました。今回は国際医学生連盟(IFMSA:International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations)による交換留学の一環で来日されました。この交換留学は、受け入れた留学生の人数分だけ、学生を世界中のどこかへ送り出せる「持ちつ持たれつの制度」です。





Dear Nina,

My name is Teru Kumagi. It is my great pleasure to contact you in person. I will be the contact person and mentor during your elective at the gastroenterology clinic between October 1-12.

We wish to prepare you a personal program so that you may acquire various things in your limited precious time while in Ehime. However, this largely depends on what you expect us and wish to accomplish in 2 weeks. So please let me know your preference. Our clinic covers both outpatient and inpatient clinic. We have a large endoscopic unit that covers routine endoscopy and therapeutic endoscopies (ESD, EIS, ERCP, EUS-BD, etc). We also have one of the most popular hepatology teams in Japan. Of note, our department covers endocrinology as well.

We look forward to seeing you very soon.

Sincerely yours,


PS: I have practiced at the University of Toronto for 4 years, so don’t worry about communicating in English.



Dear Mr. Kumagi,

Thank you for your email! I am very grateful of the effort you are making to plan a personal program for me in Ehime! It all sounds very good!

Is it possible to follow the hepatology team for one week and then in the second week maybe spend a couple of days at the outpatient clinic and a couple of days at the endoscopy unit?

Looking forward to meeting You!








This autumn I had the pleasure to spend two weeks at the gastroenterology department at Ehime University Hospital. I had picked Japan and as my first choice of exchange destination because I was fascinated by the fusion of ancient culture and traditions with modern metropolis along with Japan’s vast natural beauty. But besides that I also thought that Japan would be a good choice considering my educational and professional goals as Japan has a high incidence of some gastrointestinal diseases that are quite a rare back home in Finland and a different way of diagnosing and treating them. I was expecting an interesting internship, but I was really surprised of how much I actually learned during my stay.

My main field of interest in medicine are gastrointestinal diseases, but during my studies I have mainly concentrated on the surgical side of them. I was curious to see how the internal medicine side of it would appeal to me as I am much less familiar with it. I was also a little bit worried if my Japanese skills, limited pretty much to ‘sumimasen’ and ‘arigatoogosaimasu’, would be enough to understand anything going on at the department. Luckily my fears of long ward rounds in Japanese were proven wrong already on my first day. As my first experience at the department I saw a laparoscopic liver biopsy performed in local anesthesia. For me it was very exotic as in Finland laparoscopies are always performed under general anesthesia by the surgeons. The rest of my stay turned out to be not any less exciting and educational.

At the clinic I encountered many diseases that are a lot less common in Finland than Japan and got to see how they are diagnosed and treated here. For example, in Finland alcohol is the major cause of liver disease and infectious hepatitis is not nearly as common as in Japan, we have a lot less upper GI tract cancer and what comes to diagnostics we use less ultrasound and more biopsies. Also the health care system in general is quite different. During my stay I even got to see a case of Budd-Chiari syndrome, which I suppose is rare in Japan as well. I was also amazed by the Japanese doctors’ skills at endoscopy. I’ve seen a lot of endoscopies during my studies, but in Finland they make up a smaller part of the doctor’s work as they are performed by both internists and surgeons and I got to learn many new things about endoscopic diagnostics and treatment and about some Japanese guidelines. I think seeing different ways of handling things is always useful and also makes you see the more familiar way in a different light.

Before my internship I was asked about my preferences considering my stay at the clinic and was provided with a personal schedule. It made my stay very easy always having an idea where to go next and I was able to join many different routines at the clinic, such as ERCP, ultrasounds, endoscopies, RFA, TACE and outpatient clinic.

All in all, I had a really pleasant and professionally inspiring experience at the gastroenterology department and the biggest reason behind it are the incredibly friendly doctors and students, who took the effort of trying to translate what’s going on and provided a lot of interesting information. I felt very welcome at the clinic, not least because of a memorable welcoming party organized on my first week, where I got to taste various delicious Japanese dishes and enjoy a real Izakaya spirit in great company. I think this short stay has clarified my next steps on my career and provided some invaluable memories.





CATEGORY : お知らせ 
  • 研修会・講演会
  • 臨床研究
  • 外来のご案内
  • 黄蘭会
Department of Gastroenterology and Metabology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
〒791-0295 愛媛県東温市志津川454
TEL 089-960-5308
FAX 089-960-5310
mail : 3naika@m.ehime-u.ac.jp